Monday, May 31, 2010

2010 Fathers Day Cards, 2010 Father's Day Celebration Cards

Put forward your affection and feelings for the day made for kids express love for their father who has been a great supporter and guide all through the life. Share these 2010 Fathers Day Cards to celebrate Fathers on 21st June, Sunday of the year 2010. We wish all our visitors happy fathers day from heart and soul.
2010 Fathers Day Collection2010 Fathers Day Celebration2010 Fathers Day Cards

Introducing My Love of the 20's-50's.

Hello there! (:

So, today I thought I'd introduce you to my love of the 20's - 50's. Despite the fact that I wasn't there for any of those 40 years, they hold a rather large place in my heart. In fact, I'm passionately attached to them.

I love anything to with the 20's and up to the early 60's. One of my main obsessions is the films and actors/actresses of those years. This started with my obsession with the lovely Deborah Kerr (1921 - 2007)...

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She's most famous for playing opposite Yul Brynner in The King and I:

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...and for kissing Burt Lancaster in the surf in the iconic film From Here To Eternity:

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However, having seen almost all of her 44 films (some of them are extremely hard to track down and very expensive, unfortunately), I can assure you that almost all of her other films are just as amazing. They're all my favourites really, I couldn't possibly pick just one.

As Deborah's years in film were mainly the 40s and 50s, I began to watch lots and lots of films from those two decades. After a while, as well as watching the films, I began reading film stars autobiographies and biographies. The one that sticks out most is Bette and Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine. I don't know when I have enjoyed reading a book so much. I honestly couldn't put it down. Maybe it's just because I'm a very nosey person, but I enjoyed it like no one's business! Anyway, if you are a fan of either Bette Davis or Joan Crawford (I would say 'and/or' but I'm not sure anyone likes both of them. I am proud to say I'm on Team Bette!), it's a must read! You can buy it on Amazon for as little as £1.25 - get yourself over there!

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I also started moving on to fields that were relatively new to me. I discovered Jean Harlow...

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...who tragically died in 1937, aged 26, whilst filming Saratoga with Clark Gable. As the film was nearly finished Jean's body and voice doubles were used for the remaining scenes, and it was released as planned.

I love love love Jean. She was the original platinum blonde (yes, that's right. Marilyn Monroe wasn't the first. Neither did she rock the look as well as the first, in my honest opinion) and a wonderful actress. She was stylish, beautiful and a real character!

I don't really have time (or energy) to type any more today - and I did say 'introduce'!! So, you've had your introduction, but it's definitely not the last you'll hear on the subject. I'll probably continue in this vein tomorrow as I enjoy talking about it...and that's what a blog is for, right?

A presto!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Holly Golightly In My Wardrobe :O

Well hello there! True to my word, today I shall be posting [in part] about some of my more recent clothes buys. I was going to include info about an amazing range of trinkets that I recently found (actually, it was my Mum who found them...*blushes*) but I decided that they merit an entire post of their own. So, look out for that in the days to come.

A few weeks ago I placed quite a large order at New Look online. They were mostly items in the sale, so I snapped them up quickly in case they went out of stock. (Hah, some of them are still being sold now (; ). I didn't keep all (many) of the items I ordered, but the ones I did I am really loving.

Ditsy Lace Tunic

It's a very, very pretty dress. I was actually really surprised by how lovely it is! It doesn't really look anything like the New Look photo, so I may upload one of my own sometime. The only fault I can find with it is that it is quite heavy. Not unbearably so, but I'm not sure it will be the comfiest dress to wear on a hot, summer day (;

Heart Back Jersey Dress

I really love this dress. It comes in 5 different colours (Black, navy, fuchsia, grey and 'prawn cocktail'). I have it in navy, and I love love love it!!! It fits really well, is really comfortable (it's not very cool because it's quite tight). I feel a bit like Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) in Breakfast at Tiffanys when I wear it. In all honesty, it doesn't really look anything like the particular dress I'm thinking of, but it makes me feel stylish...and I like that!

The dress in question is the dress Holly wears when she's going to visit Sally Tomato in Sing Sing. I adore Breakfast at Tiffanys, and this is possibly one of my favourite scenes. She suddenly realises it's almost time to catch her train to Sing Sing, and in a flurry of clothes, shoes, and cigarette lighters, she transforms herself from this:

into this:

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Gorgeoous, no? I want that amazing hat!

But, as I said, Holly's dress is much more stylish and wonderful than mine! I think, maybe it's the body of the dress that makes me feel Holly Golightly-ish. Anyway, I really love my dress...Holly-like or not!

This dress is the Border Print Crochet Dress in black. I couldn't find it on their website, so I presume it must have sold out now. It's really floaty and light, and very cool (I wore it on the hottest day, so far, this year...). The lace is really delicate and pretty, and the quite intricate details of the flowers and little butterflies is really lovely!

Cardigan: £8 from Ethel Austin (my Mum bought it, and I'm surprised how nice it is - I never usually shop at EA because their quality is a bit naff for the prices, in my opinion)
Leggings: £8 from New Look
Flats: I can't remember wear I got them...they're old and worn out now (;
Sunglasses: My cousin gave me them, I think she got them free with something! I actually quite like them, but, as I use them a lot, they are very scratched and battered. I have new ones on the way! (:
Crutches: NHS!!
Dog: 99p off Ebay (;

My Rose Print Sweater. It's a lovely top, a bit on the thin side, but it's ideal for summer. I'm wearing it over my Breakfast at Tiffanys dress from above as I was a bit cold. I had to get it a size too big as they didn't have my size but I really wanted it. One of my friends thinks it's very "Bree Van de Kamp" - I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing! (; Oh, and once again, it's sold out - I couldn't find it on the New Look website.

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Leggings: £8 New Look
Flats: £10 New Look
Pocket Watch Necklace (which you can't really see): I think it was £1/£2 from Ebay.

I think I'll wrap up this enormously long ramble of a post by posting some cute summery photos that I love.

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A presto!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hello there! All zero people reading this blog. I mean, honestly, who do I expect to be reading this on So, I may as well ramble on aimlessly (aren't most rambles aimless? (; ) and get it over with quickly. BUT, I won't. I honestly don't have much to write as it's late and I'm tired. Very tired. Tomorrow I think I might make a post about my recent clothes purchases (I love that word - you can make it sound really funny...), but for today, I'm just introducing myself...and rambling.

As you may or may not know, my name is Sophie. I'm not going to tell you how old I am because you might be a weird old man from some far off country, and if you are, I really don't want to give you any more information that necessary. Go away! If you are the aforementioned man, that is. If not, you can stay, I like you. :D

Anyways, back on topic. So, ja, I'm Sophie. I have a very debilitating illness calle M.E (Myalgive Encephalopathy) which has pretty much ruined my life. I've had this illness since late 2006 and was only mildly to moderately affected until the last 10-12 months when I became moderately to severely affected. Since last November I've been basically housebound, and some of the time bed bound. I can count on my hands the amount of times I've been out of the house for fun reasons this year, other than the various hospital/doctors appts. When I say 'fun' reasons, I don't mean parties, the cinema, restaurants etc. etc. I mean short car rides and even shorter walks (a few yards with my crutches) just to get out of the house and get fresh air. I'm trying to build up the time I go out, and as I now have a wheelchair (hah, my Mum got it for me today! I haven't had a chance to try it out yet and probably won't be able to until late next week, but it's BIG, blue and shiny. (; ) it's going to make it a little bit easier. So, because of M.E, I don't really have a life.

I like to have pretty, old things around me. I like to reminisce, not that I'm really old enough to do that! I LOVE LOVE LOVE old films, and my favourite actress of all time is Deborah Kerr. I still have hundreds of photos of her on my walls from when my obsession with her was at it's highest boiling point (that sounds weird!) and, although I don't go on about her 24/7 like I used to, I still love her as much as ever. Lovely lady, that.

I have a pretty eclectic music taste - if I like a song, it goes on my mp3. I'm a HUGE fan of musicals and I was pretty involved in my local musical theatre before I became ill. I really, really miss singing, acting and dancing and would give anything to be able to do that for just one day. Possibly one of my favourite West End leading ladies is the unsung but HUGE talent, Susannah Fellows. Her voice is one of the most colourful, vibrant, beautiful, and adaptable voices I've ever heard. I'll have to make a post all about her one day. One day soon, in fact.

I have two brothers and a dog called Scamp. He's excessively cute, and I love him to pieces.

Well, I'm going to wrap up this long, long first post and say buona notte! Please follow me - I promise I will try to update this blog daily! If I don't, feel free to egg my blog via your computer screen. Ciao!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mallika Sherawat at the "Certified Copy" Premiere

Actress Mallika Sherawat attends the “Certified Copy” Premiere at the Palais des Festivals during the 63rd Annual Cannes Film Festival. She wore a golden color gown which was too revealing and a very simple hair style. Her over all look was simply just too plain. What is your say on this? more images after the break...

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Leighton Meester in colorful dress

Casual yet beautiful, Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester is back in action to her show The Gossip Girl. Leighton Meester together with a new comer was on the set of Gossip Girl in New York to film the season three of the said show, with and airing schedule. Wearing her colorful haltered dress and casual sleepers, Meester looks extremely beautiful and girly in these photos and probably stands out in the set. The denim pants and off-shoulder blouse shows the casual beauty of Leighton. Aside from Gossip Girl, Leighton Meester is also busy doing her two upcoming movies that includes the Roommate and Date Night. More images after the break...
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Tallest man in America named Igor Vovkovinskiy

At a towering 7 feet 8 1/3 inches, Igor Vovkovinskiy now holds top honors as the tallest man in the United States, according to Guinness World Records officials. more images after the break....
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Top 10 Prehistoric Fish Alive Today

10 Hagfish

According to the fossil record, hagfish have existed for over 300 million years, which means they were already old when dinosaurs took over the world! Found in relatively deep waters, these animals are sometimes called slime eels, but they are not really eels, and actually, they may not even be fish at all,according to some scientists. They are very bizarre animals in all regards; they have a skull but lack a spine, and they have two brains. Almost blind, they feed at night on the carcasses of large animals (fish, cetaceans etc) which fall to the sea bottom. They owe their “slime eel” nickname to the fact that they produce a slimey substance to damage the gills of predatory fish; as a result, they have virtually no natural enemies. 9 more after the break...
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Mallika Sherawat at Cannes

Actress Mallika Sherawat poses with a snake at the ‘Hisss’ Photocall at the Salon Martha Barriere at Majestic Hotel during the 63rd Annual Cannes Film Festival. Mallika Sherawat, who plays a snake-woman in her forthcoming film, brought real snakes to unveil the film at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival.Mallika wrote on her Twitter page, “All the Sssnakes have just entered the Majestic Hotel in Cannes! Hissstory is being made:),”  More images after the break...
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World Music Awards - Jennifer Lopez - May 18 2010

When I learned that Jennifer Lopez would be attending the “2010 World Music Awards” in Monaco, I was really excited to see what she was going to wear considering her superb current form. Unfortunately I was face with enough animal print to make Sharon Stone and Bet Lynch go weak at the knees. Her whole look for the evening was a bit dated. We’ve all seen this plunging leopard-print Roberto Cavalli gown so many times before. It reminds me of a look from the Spring 2006 collection. I think Jennifer was trying to recreate her “Versace Grammy’s” moment here, but she failed. A snakeskin Daniel Swarovski clutch added insult to injury. Her performance look wasn’t any better. In fact it was worse. The glittery dress with the keyhole detail and silk grey hem is wrong on so many levels.I feel like she was trying to give us Jlo, but it’s more J-No. More images after the break...
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Tiny keyboard of mobile devices

This slim keyboard is a Bluetooth enabled keyboard. It portable and slim design can be used for travel, school, or any other working environment with a Bluetooth enabled laptop, PC, Windows Mobile and iPad. More about keypad after the break...

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Tips For Skin Protection This Summer

Photo Link

The summer should be a time when we can all look forward to spending some time in the sun. Whether it is on the beach, at a barbecue or simply enjoying a book in the garden, relaxing in the sun helps us to de-stress, creates a positive mood and even stimulates the production of vitamin D. However, for many people with skin conditions the sunshine can be a source of irritation and embarrassment. Some skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema can flare up when exposed to sunlight. Sufferers of other skin conditions, such as acne, may simply feel too self-conscious to expose their skin in public. However, there are skin care precautions and steps you can take to help you enjoy the summer without having to avoid the sun....

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello Members The Website Will Be Under Maintenance Till June 06...Sorry For The Inconvenience !!

Catch You All On June 06
Thanks For All The Support Given By You...! Have A Nice Day...!!

Make a Backup to Restore Email In Gmail Account Easily

If you have ever lost any emails from your Gmail account then you should backup your Gmail account to prevent any loss of your e-mails.
Gmail Backup is the tool that allow Gmail user to regular backup of their mail and restore when necessary. Gmail backup will backup all the mail including the mail information such as labels, date, from and etc. It using the Gmail built in IMAP capability to backup the email and save the messages in Microsoft EML format which allow restoring to other mail client such as Microsoft Outlook.

The Windows version comes with a simple graphical interface — just enter in your email address and password, select a backup folder, and click the Backup button. It will save your messages in Microsoft’s EML format complete with attachments.
Use Gmail Backup Free

Gmail adds Drag and drop attachments feature

GMAIL, the highly popular email service by Google has now added 2 new features – Invitation and Drag and drop attachments.
The Drag and drop files to Gmail is really handy and time saving. You can now upload files to Gmail messages in an easy way, without opening Attach a file > browse file and then open it. One or multiple files can be uploaded at once.

To attach files, just open the desired folder, select the files and ‘drag n drop’ them to Gmail. Gmail will then show a green box asking to add them as attachments.
Note: Currently, you can drag and drop attachments in Chrome and Firefox only.
The 2nd new feature ‘Invitation’ brings tighter integration between Gmail and Calendar, making it easier to create Calendar events from within Gmail. When you compose an email message, there’s now an "Insert: Invitation" link right under the subject line.
via [Official Gmail Blog]

Download Official Twitter for iPhone App [Free]

The official twitter app for iPhone/iPod touch is finally released and available for Free download. This is the Tweetie app which was acquired by twitter and is now renamed to Twitter with a bunch of new stuff added to it.
  • Discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world with the official Twitter for iPhone app.
  • Realtime search, Top Tweets, trending topics and maps show what’s happening now everywhere and nearby.
  • Tweet, send DMs, share photos, videos and links to your friends and the world.

New Features -
  • Search has been reorganized, now you can search all tweets and find users in the same spot, view Top Tweets and Browse Suggested users.
  • Search results now include Top Tweets, try it with Trends…winner combo!
  • You can now use Twitter without an account! Search, Browse uses, view trends and top tweets.
  • Sign-up is now available within the application as well, complete with Suggested user list.
  • More tab has been re-organized to accomplish all this. Users with one account can add a second account under the Accounts and Settings button here.
  • Retweet have been moved to the main actions bar.
Download Twitter Official iPhone App

MyPhoneExplorer – Sony Ericsson mobile phone manager

I was unable to install Sony Ericsson PC Suite on Windows 7. So, I have found a perfect tool which provides the best alternative to SE PC Suite. It’s small and simple to use.
 MyPhoneExplorer is a free tool to manage files of any Sony ericsson mobile phone. I found it very simple to use, just install the software and connect your phone. Then, open File menu and select Connect. You can also add more than one phone to it using users option.

Its Advanced features lets you:
  • Connect your phone via cable, Bluetooth or infrared.
  • Sync your phone data like contacts, messages, call history, calendar, notes, tasks.
  • Transfer, manage or delete files, images, themes, music, videos.
  • Create a backup of contacts (phone & SIM), events and tasks, notes, SMS (phone & SIM)
  • Monitor phone status like signal strength, battery charging, firmware version, etc.
  • Works in Phone mode (No need to power off phone).
Download MyPhoneExplorer Free  (Size: 3.8 MB)

Tips to Extend the Battery Life of Your Mobile Devices

Your mobile phone is one of your most important mobile devices. If you want to extend its battery life, here are some of the things that you should do:
  1. Avoid using other battery extensive features like playing games, taking pictures, or simply tinkering around with the phone.
  2. Turn off the vibrate mode of your phone, at least for a while. If you can, switch your phone to ’silent.’
  3. Switch your phone to GSM mode if you won’t be using other bands like 3G and UMTS.
  4. Lower the contrast or brightness of your phone’s display screen.
  5. If you use a smartphone, close unnecessary applications.
  6. Turn off wireless services such as bluetooth and WiFi unless you really need them.
  7. Turn your phone off if you’re in an area with no signal for a long period of time.
  8. Keep the battery cool and don’t leave it in the sun.
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Google announces Long Awaited “GPhone” [ Cost $199 ]

The well-known global Internet-focused company, Google has announced its long awaited “Google Phone” (also known as Gphone). This is first mobile phone to use Google Inc’s Android mobile operating software and will cost $199.
The phone, which features a slide-out keypad, is being manufactured by HTC Corp and will be sold by Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA unit, is set to be launched on the 23rd of September, 2008.

“It will open the mobile phone to do things that people now do on their PCs,” said Todd Greenwald, a financial analyst with Nollenberger Capital Partners in San Francisco.
Source: First Google Android phone to cost $199

Google Introduces Google TV – Video

On the 2nd day at Google I/O 2010 developer event, Google has announced Android 2.2 with Flash along with Google TV, a new technology for television and Internet freaks. Google TV is a new experience made for television that combines the TV you know and love with the freedom and power of the Internet.

Watch the Introducing Google TV video below:

Google TV is coming to a living room near you. Watch the Google TV announcement.

How to install Windows XP over Windows 7 in a dual boot ?

This guide tells you ‘How to dual boot Windows 7 and Windows XP’ with Windows 7 installed first. This case is applicable for users who have Windows 7 pre-installed on ‘C’ and want to install XP on their ‘D’ partition.

The process for this is same as we did for Windows XP & Vista. Follow the simple steps below to install XP after Windows 7.

1) Make a clean Install of Windows XP on ‘D’ partition of your hard drive. Assuming, Windows 7 is installed on ‘C’ partition.
2) After restarting system, you will directly boot into Windows XP. That’s because XP writes its bootloader over Windows 7. So, we need to restore the Win 7 bootloader.
3) To restore 7, you need to Boot from the Windows 7 DVD and “Repair your computer”. Check this article “How to Perform a Startup Repair in Windows 7” to perform repair.
4) After repairing, your system will restart and boot into Windows 7.
5) Download and Install EasyBCD on your Windows 7 to add boot entry for XP.
6) Launch the app and go to Add/Remove Entries. Under “Add an Entry” open the Windows tab and select the Type as “Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3”.

Give it a name like ‘Windows XP’ and click on ‘Add Entry’. Then select Save.
That’s it. Now restart you PC and you’ll be presented with two options, Windows 7 and Windows XP. :D   Select the one which you want to work on.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 – Free 3 months subscription

Panda is offering a Free 90 days Trial of Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 on its 20th anniversary, as an exclusive offer for Microsoft users but you can also grab it.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 is the easiest-to-use and most intuitive protection for your computer. Just install it and forget about viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud and identity theft. Chat, share photos and videos, bank and buy online, read your favorite blogs or simply surf the Web, with complete peace of mind.
 Panda Antivirus Pro 2010
To get a free license, visit this Promotion page and click the ‘Download Free’ button to download Panda Antivirus Pro 2010. You do not need to register or enter any license key because the license is integrated in the installer.
Compatible with – Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
via  []

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Deepika Padukone at Cannes Film Festival

Deepika Padukone at Cannes Film Festival. Deepika Padukone was looking stunning in a saree. Deepika Padukone arrived for the screening of the French film Tournee (On Tour) by director Mathieu Amalric. The movie is competing for the festival’s top prize, the Palme d’Or. Though Deepika tried her best to hide the tattoo on her neck line which she got for her than boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor, but failed. Checkout Deepika Padukone Cannes. More images after the break...
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Jennifer Lopez at Formula 1 Monaco GP

Continuing along with their busy overseas schedule, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony turned up at the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix event in Monte Carlo on Sunday (May 16).  Looking to be having quite the enjoyable time, the "El Cantante" couple visited with F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone at the Monte Carlo Circuit while visiting the paddock area. The previous evening, J. Lo and Marc got all dressed up as they partook in the Vanity Fair and Gucci Party at the Hotel Du Cap Eden Roc. Mingling with guests including Kate Beckinsale, Naomi Campbell and Harvey Weinstein, the fancy affair honored legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese. More images after the break...
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7 tips to Control your Hunger

Photo : Link

Our fitness trainers try to force us on a diet; our doctors warn us to control our food intake thanks to our high cholesterol levels; our wives and girlfriends have warned us they will walk out on us because of that excess baggage pouring over our belts! It is not as if we haven't tried. But it is just so darned hard to control our hunger! Sound familiar? Stay tuned. Rediff offers you tips to control that darn hunger so that you can go ahead and finally be successful in your attempts to stop overeating. Read more after the break...


Updated Sony Vaio P Series touchpad received additional, GPS and accelerometer. Touchpad integrated into the frame of the screen to the left and right sides: the left functions as a mouse, right - as usual notebook touchpad. Deserves special attention accelerometer: not that he can turn the laptop into a vertical position to comfortably read text - and it provides another interesting thing. More images after the break...

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