Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2010 USA Independence Day Cards

Be part of USA Independence day celebration by flag flying on this 4th of July 2010, Sunday by exchanging any of these 2010 USA Independence Day cards and greetings. Participate in the national celebration holiday announcing Declaration of Independence.Be part of this national holiday of the United States of America by viewing parade, wearing flag contrast costumes and other things.
2010 4th of july cards
US independence day eCards2010 USA Independence Day

Happy Birthday, Lena and Susan!!

Happy 93rd birthday to both Lena Horne and Susan Hayward! ♥

Lena Horne: Born 30th June, 1917 - Died May 9th 2010

Susan Hayward: Born June 30th, 1917 - Died March 14th, 1975

Photo of the Day

Audrey and Ip ♥

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Photos For (hopefully!!) Autographs!

EEP! I am sooooooooo excited!! Really, really, really!!!! I just bought 12 photos in a BOGOF offer on Movie Market, and I'm so hyped! I decided to treat myself, because I just got some money and, also, I've been wanting to buy some photos to send for autographs for a loooong time. So, I finally bought them! YAY! Anyone who isn't so insane as I am would probably say that I went a bit OTT, which is why I'm not saying how much I spent (also, I don't like talking about makes me uncomfortable...). I will say how much I saved with the offer though. I saved, wait for it....wait for it...*drum roll*...nearly £25!! The postage was also incredibly cheap, and they have so many gorgeous photos, posters etc. etc. that I could have spent all day browsing! I advise you to get over there straight away! (:

(Only the 10x8" photos are BOGOF, but it is really good value in my opinion. Oh, and it's for a limited time only, so just go on and check it out and see if there's anything that catches your fancy! (;)

I'll show you the photos I bought, in the order that I hope to send them! I had to switch and swap some photos several times after reading that Maureen O'Hara only signs one photo (so, if you're intending writing to her, don't include more than one photo!), after finding out that no one has had a "success" with Zsa Zsa Gabor for a long time (she is in her 90s's understandable that she wouldn't want to be hassled with fan mail), and after also discovering that no one seems to have received anything back from Deanna Durbin for a while. I probably will write to Deanna and Zsa Zsa sometime, but for the moment I've decided to get the letters off to the others. Eventually, I whittled down my overflowing 'basket', and chose my final photos. For the actresses I wanted to send more than one photo too, I wanted at least one photo with a good view of her face, because autographs on photos like that seem more personal! (Well, to me anyway...)

(First, the 12 10x8" photos)

Olivia de Havilland

Maureen O'Hara

(Movie Matters don't have many photos of Maureen *sob* but there was such a gorgeous photo of her, however it wasn't a particularly appropriate for an autograph, so, as I can only send her one, I decided on this - which is still stunning.)

Eleanor Parker

(I'm not sure why I chose the last just really stood out to me, and I would love to have it autographed! Oh, and it's a still from the 1966 film The Oscar if you're wondering...)

Lauren Bacall

(Gah! There were so many fabulous photos of Lauren that I spent aaages picking them. The first one I, really adore. And the last photo is just stunning. Wasn't she just glorious?)

Debbie Reynolds

(As with Lauren, there were lots of lovely photos of Debbie to choose from. I'm not sure if I'll send the first one, but I really love it! She looks so happy, and it makes me feel happy! ♥ The second is one of my all time favourite photos of Debbie, so to have it autographed would be a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!)

Gina Lollabrigida

(I really adore this photo of Gina! There were several others I really wanted to get, but they were either really dark or too cluttered so, I went for this one!)

Celeste Holm

(I didn't really have much choice in the matter of a photo of Celeste as this was the only photo they had of her. It's not my favourite, but it's not the worst they could have had, so I'm happy!)

Joan Fontaine

(Joan, Joan, Joan. How happy I would be to get a 'Sister Set' of autographs! There were only two photos I liked of Joan on the website, and the other was a bit to 'facey', so I picked this!)

(Next, the 4 6x4" photos I just couldn't resist...)

Olivia de Havilland

(I just love this one...)

Lauren Bacall

(I wanted a photo of her that was a bit closer to her face, and I just fell in love with this ♥ )

Debbie Reynolds

(Ok, this one is just so adorable. The moment I saw it I wanted to buy it, but I'd already decided on the other two photos, so I was like "Musn't buy...musn't buy...". But Debbie made me. It's all her fault, honestly ('; )

Gina Lollabrigida

(This isn't my favourite photo of Gina, but as I said before, a lot of the other photos weren't appropriate for [hopefully] autographs. However, I do still love this photo. Let's face it, Gina always looks beautiful! )

I'm not sure which I will send, and which I won't. I might send some of them two, and others just the one. I don't know. But whatever I do, I will keep you all updated with the writing and sending of the letters to the above lovely ladies, and of course I will [excitedly] inform you if I receive any of the photos back signed!!

I hope you've enjoyed this post, and it's not been too hyper and overwhelmingly mad! I'm feeling a lot better than I have for a couple of weeks, so that's another reason I'm excited too! Although, we are cancelling out holiday in France that was set to be a week yesterday, but hopefully the gîte owners will be dears and let us push it back to the middle of August! I really hope they do as I've been looking forward to the holiday since we booked in January! In hindsight, it was silly of us to book then because of my ridiculous health, but we learnt the hard way! Ah well. If we do go, it will be lovely! All summer dresses, sun hats and sunglasses. And pastries. Lots of them.

Anyway, that's enough of a ramble from me! Congrats if you got to the end! (;

A presto!

Photo of the Day

Gene's so loverlyyyy!

How to Make Invisible Password Protected Folder ?

Do you want to password protect your folder? Do you want to make it invisible so that it remains unnoticed by the normal users? Well here is a way to do that. In this post I will show you how to make a password protected folder in Windows without using any additional software. Here is is step by step procedure to create a password protected folder.

How to create a Password Protected Folder
Step-1: Create a new folder (Right-click -> New -> Folder) and give it any name of your choice. For instance I name it as ABC.
Step-2: Now in this folder place all the important files, documents or any folders that you want to password protect.
Step-3: Now Right-click on this folder (ABC) and select the option Send To ->Compressed (zipped) Folder.
Step-4: Now a new compressed zipped folder gets created next this folder (ABC) with the same name.
Step-5: Double-click on this compressed zipped folder and you should see your original folder (ABC) here.
Step-6: Now goto the File menu and select the option Add a password.
ie: File -> Add a password
Now a small window will pop up and here you can set your desired password. Once the password is set, the folder will ask for the password every time it is opened. Thus you have now created the password protected folder.
How to make it Invisible
Step-1: Now Right-click on this password protected folder and select Properties.
Step-2: At the bottom select the option Hidden and press OK. Now your folder gets invisible (hidden).
Step-3: In order to unhide this folder go to My Computer – >Tools -> Folder options. Switch to View tab, scroll down and under Hidden files and folders you’ll see the following two options
§  Do not show hidden files and folders
§  Show hidden files and folders
Now select the second option and press OK. Now the invisible folder becomes visible in it’s location. To access it you need the password. To make it invisible again repeat step -1 through step-3 and select the first option and click OK. Now the folder becomes invisible once again.
I hope you like this post. Pass your comments!! Cheers

Common Terminologies used in Internet Security

If your a newbie in Internet security,you have come to the right place.The following is information on some common terms used in Internet security.So,next time you don't have to scratch your head when someone uses these on you or when you use it.
Firewall: is a system acts that acts as a barrier between your computer network and the internet.A firewall controls the flow of information according to security policies.
Hacker: can be anyone specializing in accessing computer based systems for illegal purposes or just for fun of it.
IP spoofing: is an attempt to access your system by pretending like another system.This is done by setting up a system with an IP address that you normally trust.
Sniffing: is the spying on electronic transmissions to access data. This mostly occurs in privately owned LAN networks connected to the web.
Trojan Horse: a program pretending like useful software,while its actual strategy is to access,steal or destroy user data and access authorization.Apart from destroying information, Trojan's can also create back door on your system for stealing confidential information.
Virus: is a program that attaches itself to a programmer file. This allows it to spread across networks and cause damage to software and hardware. To operate, viruses require execution of the attached file.
Worm: A worm is almost similar to a virus, except that it doesn't need the execution of any executable file to get activated. It can also replicate itself as it travels across networks...
HELLO, friends i had posted these information to help you know all the above and keep your data & information secure from it on Internet...If you like the above Information. Rate this info

What is SPAM & How To Protect An Email Account From SPAM ?

Most of us get SPAM every day. Some of us get more and some little. Even a newly created email account will begin to receive spam just after a few days of its creation. Many times we wonder where these spam come from and why? But this question remains unanswered within us. So in this post I will try my best to give every possible information about the spam and will also tell you about how to combat spam.
What is SPAM?
 is the abuse of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. Most widely recognized form of spam is email spam.
Where do these SPAM come from?These spam come only from spammers and never from a legitimate user or a company. These spammers send a single email to hundreds (some times thousands or millions) of email addresses at a time. They either send it manually or use spambots to automate the process of spamming.
Why do spammers SPAM?The main goal of spammers is to send the spam (unsolicited bulk messages) to as many people as possible in order to make profit. For example, John builds a small website to sell an ebook which gives information about weight loss. In order to make sales he needs publicity for his website. Instead of spending money on advertising, John decides to create an email which contains information about his site along with it’s link and send this email to say 100 email addresses in his contact list. If 1 person out of hundred buy this book john gets $10. What if he sends this email to 1000s of email addresses. He gets $100. Imagine, if he sends this email to 1 Million email addresses he gets $100000.
Now I hope you understood the idea behind spamming. So in order to make money, spammers send their advertising emails to as many people as possible without respecting the recipient’s privacy.
From where do SPAMmers get my email address?On the Internet there exist many sites who collect the email IDs of people and sell them to spammers in bulk. Most often, people sign up for monthly newsletters and take up surveys. This is the time where these scam sites get their email addresses. Also many spammers collect email addresses by using spambots. These spambots collect email addresses from the Internet in order to build mailing lists. Such spambots are web crawlers that can gather email addresses from Web sites, newsgroups, forums, special-interest group (SIG) postings, and chat-room conversations.
Spammers also use the trick of creating Hoax Emails for gathering a huge list of email IDs. For example, a spammer sends a hoax email which says “Forward this Message to Help Severely Burned Child”This email claims that 11 cents will be donated to the child’s family every time the message is sent to others. Most of the people believe this and start forwarding this hoax email to all of the IDs in their contact list. In this way the email spreads rapidly and eventually when it reaches the creator (spammer), the spammer gets a huge list of valid email addresses in the email header. When you get these kind of hoax emails, you can see for yourself in the email header which contains a huge list of email addresses of all those people to whom the email is being forwarded to. This is one of the effective methods used by spammers to gather email addresses.
Is SPAMming legal?Spamming is completely illegal. Yet it is really difficult to stop spammers from spamming since they keep moving from one hosting company to another after getting banned. This makes it practically impossible to catch spammers and prosecute them.
How to protect my email account from getting SPAMmed?The following methods can be used to combat email spam.
1. Use spam filters for your email account. If you’re using email services like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. then spam filters are used by defaut. Each spam filter has it’s algorithm to detect spam emails and will automatically move them to SPAM folder. This keeps your inbox free from spam. However some spam emails become successful to make their way into the inbox by successfully bypassing the filters.
2. Do not post your email address in public forums, user comments and chat-rooms. Give your email address only to trustworthy websites while signing up for newsletters.
3. While taking up online surveys and filling up feedback forms, it is better not to give your personal email address. Instead singup for a dummy email account and use this for surveys and feedback forms.
4. While posting your contact email address on your website use this format: emailaddress [at] instead of This protects your email address from being indexed by spambots.
5. Do not respond to hoax messages. When you receive a hoax email, avoid forwarding it to your friends. Examples of hoax messages can be found at If you really want to forward it to your friends, make sure that you use “Bcc” (blind certified copy) option to send the email. This will hide all the email IDs to which the mail is forwarded to.
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I hope this helps. Pass your suggestions and feedback via comments.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hurricane warnings for Mexico, US as Alex grows

A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satelite image shows Tropical Depression Alex. On its …

VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico – Hurricane warnings were posted Monday for a stretch of Gulf coast in southern Texas and northern Mexico as Tropical Storm Alex gained strength and appeared on track to become a hurricane before it makes landfall later this week.
Forecasters said the storm's path could push oil from the huge Gulf oil spill farther inland and disrupt cleanup efforts.
Alex was swirling through the Gulf of Mexico with winds near 65 mph (100 kph) Monday night on a path that would take it very near the Mexico-U.S. border sometime late Wednesday, said the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida. The storm is expected to become a hurricane Tuesday.
Conditions late Monday afternoon led the center to believe the storm will be less powerful than previously predicted but still likely to gain hurricane strength, forecaster Todd Kimberlain said.
Tropical storm-force winds extended up to 70 miles (110 kilometers) from the storm's center, and Alex was moving toward the north near 5 mph (7 kph).
Heavy rains in Mexico's southern Gulf coast state of Tabasco forced the evacuation of about 300 families from communities near the Usumacinta river.
The hurricane warnings extend from Baffin Bay, Texas south across the mouth of the Rio Grande river to La Cruz, Mexico.
The tropical storm's center wasn't expected to approach the area of the oil spill off Louisiana's coast, said Stacy Stewart, senior hurricane specialist at the National Hurricane Center. But Alex's outer wind field could push oil from the spill farther inland and hinder operations in the area, Stewart said early Monday.
The hurricane center said Alex is expected to produce 5 to 10 inches of rainfall over portions of northeastern Mexico and southern Texas over the next few days. It warned of a dangerous storm surge along the coast near and to the north of where the storm makes landfall.
Alex caused flooding and mudslides that left at least five people dead in Central America over the weekend, though Belize and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula appeared largely unscathed.
It made landfall in Belize on Saturday night as a tropical storm and weakened into a depression on Sunday as it crossed the Yucatan Peninsula.
Mexico's northern Gulf coast braced for heavy rains, and forecasters said precipitation from Alex would keep falling on southern Mexico and Guatemala until Tuesday, raising the possibility of life-threatening floods and mudslides.
"It is a fact we are going to get very heavy rains," said Gov. Fidel Herrera of the Gulf coast state of Veracruz.
On Sunday, heavy rains prompted a landslide in northwestern Guatemala that dislodged a large rock outcropping, killing two men who had taken shelter from the storm underneath, according to the national disaster-response agency.
In El Salvador, Civil Protection chief Jorge Melendez said three people were swept away by rivers that jumped their banks. About 500 people were evacuated from their homes.
There were no immediate reports of damage to Mexico's resort-studded Caribbean coast.
When Alex became the first named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, officials immediately worried what effect it could have on efforts to contain the millions of gallons of crude spewing into the northeastern part of the Gulf.
A cap has been placed over the blown-out undersea well, directing some of the oil to a surface ship where it is being collected or burned. Other ships are drilling two relief wells, projected to be done by August, which are considered the best hope to stop the leak.
Alex was centered about 505 miles (810 kms) southeast of Brownsville, Texas, on Monday evening. Its rains could reach Veracruz and the border state of Tamaulipas late Tuesday or Wednesday, the Hurricane Center said.
Associated Press writers David Fischer in Miami and Sofia Mannos in Washington contributed to this report.

Source Taken From: Yahoo News

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Analysts say Apple's iPhone 4 parts cost $187.51

SEATTLE – Apple Inc.'s new iPhone 4 costs almost $20 more to make than its predecessor, the iPhone 3GS, but the device will still help the company continue to rack up high profits, the research group iSuppli said Monday.
The iPhone 4 went on sale June 24. After taking this latest Apple gadget apart and identifying the components, iSuppli estimated the cost of the parts totals $187.51. That's more than the $170.80 iSuppli estimates for the cost of the materials inside the iPhone 3GS, Apple's last-generation smart phone.
The estimates don't include manufacturing, software, marketing and other costs.
The priciest part of the iPhone 4 is the new, higher-resolution LCD screen, which iSuppli estimates carries a cost of $28.50. Flash memory, which has been in short supply, costs $27. Apple's processor, which was manufactured by Samsung, according to iSuppli, costs $10.75, and the capacitive touch screen costs $10.
Apple's iPhones cost consumers $199 or $299 with a two-year wireless contract in the U.S., but such low prices as those are heavily subsidized by the wireless carriers.
Despite the major design overhaul Apple gave the iPhone, the gadget maker "will be able to maintain the prodigious margins that have allowed it to build up a colossal cash reserve," said Kevin Keller, an iSuppli analyst, in a statement.

Source Taken From: Yahoo News

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Apple sells more than 1.7M iPhones in 3 days

In this June 24, 2010 file photo, Duane Davis, left, learns about the new features of the Apple …

NEW YORK – Apple Inc. said Monday that it sold more than 1.7 million units of its new iPhone model in the first three days, making it the most successful product launch in the company's history from the standpoint of sales.
The iPhone 4 went on sale Thursday in the U.S., Britain, France, Germany and Japan. High demand for the model caused shortages and unruly crowds at some stores.
"This is the most successful product launch in Apple's history," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "Even so, we apologize to those customers who were turned away because we did not have enough supply."
Some stores sold out within hours. Analysts have said Apple is having a hard time procuring enough parts for the phone, such as its new higher-resolution screen. Apple has said the white iPhone it plans to produce has been more challenging than expected and won't be available until late July. Only black models went on sale Thursday.
Apple sold more than 1 million units in the first three days when it launched last year's model, the 3GS. Canada, Italy, Spain and Switzerland were then among the launch countries, but Japan was not.
Apart from the sharper screen, the iPhone 4 features a slimmer body and faster processor than the previous model, among other changes.
Shares of the Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple rose $1.60, or 0.6 percent, to $268.30 in trading Monday.

Source Taken From: Yahoo News

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10 alleged Russian secret agents arrested in US

 AP – In this courtroom sketch, Anna Chapman, left, Vicky Pelaez, second from left, the defendant known as …

 WASHINGTON – The FBI has arrested 10 people who allegedly spied for Russia for up to a decade — posing as innocent civilians while trying to infiltrate U.S. policymaking circles and learn about U.S. weapons, diplomatic strategy and political developments.
An 11th defendant — a man accused of delivering money to the agents — remains at large.
There was no clue in the court papers unsealed Monday about how successful the agents had been, but they were alleged to have been long-term, deep cover spies. Among them were four couples living in suburbs of New York, Washington and Boston. One woman was a reporter and editor for a prominent Spanish-language newspaper in New York whom the FBI says it videotaped contacting a Russian official in 2000 in Latin America.
These deep-cover agents are the hardest spies for the FBI to catch and are dubbed "illegals" in the intelligence world because they take civilian jobs with no visible connection to a foreign government, rather than operating from government jobs inside Russian embassies and military missions. In this case, they were spread out and seeking a wide swath of information.
The FBI said it intercepted a message from Moscow Center, headquarters of Russia's intelligence service, the SVR, to two of the defendants describing their main mission as "to search and develop ties in policymaking circles in US." Intercepted messages showed they were asked to learn about a wide range of topics, including nuclear weapons, U.S. arms control positions, Iran, White House rumors, CIA leadership turnover, the last presidential election, Congress and the political parties.
The blockbuster series of arrests of purported deep cover agents following a multiyear FBI investigation could rival the bureau's famous capture of Soviet Col. Rudolf Abel in 1957 in New York.
Also a deep cover agent, Abel was ultimately swapped to the Soviet Union for downed U-2 spy pilot Francis Gary Powers in 1962.
The court papers also described a new high-tech spy-to-spy communications system used by the defendants: short-range wireless communications between laptop computers — a modern supplement for the old-style dead drop in a remote area, high-speed burst radio transmission or the hollowed-out nickels used by Abel to conceal and deliver microfilm.
But there was no lack of Cold War spycraft. According to the court papers, the alleged agents used invisible ink, stayed in touch with Moscow Center through coded bursts of data sent by a radio transmitter, used innocent-looking "brush" encounters to pass messages in public, hid encrypted data in public images and relied on fake identities and false travel documents.
On Saturday, an undercover FBI agent in New York and another in Washington, both posing as Russian agents, met with two of the defendants, Anna Chapman at a New York restaurant and Mikhail Semenko on a Washington street corner blocks from the White House. The FBI undercover agents gave each an espionage-related delivery to make. Court papers indicated Semenko made the delivery as instructed, but apparently Chapman did not.
The court papers cited numerous communications intercepted by the FBI that spelled out what information was sought.
The timing of the arrests was notable given the efforts by Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev to "reset" U.S.-Russia relations. The two leaders met last week at the White House after Medvedev visited high-tech firms in California's Silicon Valley, and both attended the G-8, G-20 meetings over the weekend in Canada.
Intelligence on Obama's foreign policy, particularly toward Russia, appears to have been a top priority.
In spring 2009, the documents say, alleged conspirators, Richard and Cynthia Murphy, who lived in New Jersey, were asked for information about Obama's impending trip to Russia that summer, the U.S. negotiating position on the START arms reduction treaty as well as Afghanistan and the approach Washington would take in dealing with Iran's suspect nuclear program, the documents said. They were also asked to send background on U.S. officials traveling with Obama or involved in foreign policy.
"Try to outline their views and most important Obama's goals (sic) which he expects to achieve during summit in July and how does his team plan to do it (arguments, provisions, means of persuasion to 'lure' (Russia) into cooperation in US interests," Moscow asked.
Moscow wanted reports "which should reflect approaches and ideas of" four sub-Cabinet U.S. foreign policy officials.
One intercepted message said Cynthia Murphy, "had several work-related personal meetings with" a man the court papers describe as a prominent New York-based financier active in politics.
In response, Moscow Center described the man as a very interesting target and urged the defendants to "try to build up little by little relations. ... Maybe he can provide" Murphy "with remarks re US foreign policy, 'roumors' about White house internal 'kitchen,' invite her to venues (to major political party HQ in NYC, for instance. ... In short, consider carefully all options in regard" to the financier."
Each of the 10 was charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the U.S. attorney general, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. Two criminal complaints outlining the charges were filed in U.S. District Court for the southern district of New York.
Nine of the defendants were charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum 20 years in prison.
The papers allege the defendants' spying has been going on for years.
One defendant in Massachusetts made contact in 2004 with an unidentified man who worked at a U.S. government research facility.
"He works on issues of strategic planning related to nuclear weapon development," the defendant's intelligence report said.
The defendant "had conversations with him about research programs on small yield high penetration nuclear warheads recently authorized by US Congress (nuclear 'bunker-buster' warheads)," according to the report.
One message back to Moscow from the defendants focused on turnover at the top level of the CIA and the 2008 U.S. presidential election. The information was described as having been received in private conversation with, among others, a former legislative counsel for Congress. The court papers deleted the name of the counsel.
In the papers, FBI agents said the defendants communicated with alleged Russian agents using mobile wireless transmissions between laptops computers, which has not previously been described in espionage cases brought here: They established a short-range wireless network between laptop computers of the agents and sent encrypted messages between the computers while they were close to each other.
FBI agents arrested the defendants known as Richard Murphy and Cynthia Murphy at their Montclair, N.J., residence.
A neighbor, Louise Shallcross, 44, said she often saw Richard Murphy at the school bus stop.
"We were all very excited to have a stay-at-home dad move in," Shallcross said.
Three other defendants also appeared in federal court in Manhattan — Vicky Pelaez and a defendant known as "Juan Lazaro," who were arrested at their Yonkers, N.Y., residence and Anna Chapman, arrested in Manhattan on Sunday.
Richard and Cynthia Murphy, Juan Lazaro, Vicky Pelaez and Anna Chapman were held without bail. The defendants — most dressed in casual clothes like blue jeans, shorts and T-shirts — answered "Yes," when asked if they understood the charges. None entered a plea.
"The evidence is truly, truly overwhelming," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Farbiarz. Another hearing was set for Thursday.
Waldo Mariscal, Pelaez' son, said in federal court that his mother was innocent. "This is a farce," he said. "We don't know the other people."
Pelaez is a Peruvian-born reporter and editor and worked for several years for El Diario/La Prensa, one of the country's best-known Spanish-language newspapers. She is best known for her opinion columns, which often criticize the U.S. government.
A senior editor at the newspaper confirmed the arrest but declined to comment on the allegations. The editor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, was not authorized to speak for the company.
In January 2000, Pelaez was videotaped meeting with a Russian government official at a public park in the South American nation, where she received a bag from the official, according to one complaint.
According to one of the complaints, Lazaro and Pelaez discussed plans to pass covert messages with invisible ink to Russian officials during another trip Pelaez took to South America.
An attorney for Chapman, Robert Baum, argued that the allegations were exaggerated and that his client deserved bail.
"This is not a case that raises issues of security of the United States," he said.
The prosecutor countered that she was a flight risk, calling her a highly trained "Russian agent" who is "a practiced deceiver."
Two other defendants, known as Michael Zottoli and Patricia Mills, were arrested at their Arlington, Va., residence. Also arrested at an Arlington, Va., residence was Mikhail Semenko.
Zottoli, Mills and Semenko appeared before U.S. Magistrate Theresa Buchanan early Monday afternoon in Alexandria, Va., according to the U.S. attorney's office. The hearing was closed because the case had not yet been unsealed in New York. The three did not have attorneys at the hearing, U.S. attorney spokesman Peter Carr said.
In Arlington, where Zottoli and Mills lived in a ninth-floor apartment, next-door neighbor Celest Allred said her guess had been that "they were Russian, because they had Russian accents."
Two defendants known as Donald Howard Heathfield and Tracey Lee Ann Foley were arrested at their Cambridge, Mass., residence Sunday. They appeared briefly in Boston federal court on Monday afternoon. A detention hearing was set for Thursday.
In Moscow, calls to the Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) were not answered early Tuesday.
The two most prominent cases involving the SVR in the past decade may have been those of Robert Hanssen, the FBI counterintelligence agent who was convicted of passing along secrets to the agency, and Sergei Tretyakov, deputy head of intelligence at Russia's U.N. mission in 1995-2000.
Tretyakov, who defected in 2000, claimed in a 2008 book that his agents helped the Russian government steal nearly $500 million from the U.N.'s oil-for-food program in Iraq before the fall of Saddam Hussein. He said he oversaw an operation that helped Saddam's regime manipulate the price of Iraqi oil sold under the program and allowed Russia to skim profits.
Hays reported from New York. Associated Press reporters Matt Lee in Washington, Jim Heintz in Moscow, Claudia Torrens in New York City, Nafeesa Syeed in Arlington, Va., Samantha Henry in Montclair, N.J., Russell Contreras in Cambridge, Mass., and Bob Salsberg and Rodrique Ngowi in Boston contributed to this report.
Source Taken From: Yahoo News
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Photo of the Week and Quick Update

Jean Harlow powdering! Gah, I love her ♥ Those shoes and socks ♥

Just to let you all know, I haven't been intentionally neglecting this blog, I've just been really poorly (until yesterday I'd been flat on my back for a week, something that hasn't happened for a few months). I only managed to post the previous Photo of the Week posts in moments when I wasn't in quite so much pain and discomfort! Fortunately, I'm feeling a little better now, but I'm still very weak and unable to move much, so I'm not going to be making any lengthy posts (and perhaps not blogging every day) for a few weeks. It depends on how well I recover. But please, keep reading the posts I do make! (:

Also, I would like to thank all of you wonderful classic film bloggers! In my "better" moments, I've been reading little bits of your posts and they really cheered me up! So, thank you! ♥

Saturday, June 26, 2010

South Side — Praneetha

Pranitha / Praneetha debuting as heroine in tollywood with em pillo em pillado. she also playing female lead in siddarth's upcoming movie bava. Praneetha is kannada actress she done several kannada movies now she stepping into telugu film industry. More images after the break...
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Dog Became Monkey's Mother

Chinese Car

58-year-old Chinese fan Zhang Haiting personally built the electric car.This crumb top speed of 30 km / h and runs on one battery charge of about 50 kilometers. Seeing the reaction of passers-by in Shanghai, samodelkin thinking about the commercialization of his invention. Alleged price elektromalysha - only 5600 yuan ($ 820).  More images after the break...

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Photo of the Day

The beautiful Hedy Lamarr ♥ This photo just makes me looks so summery and sunny! (:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Star of the Day

Donna Reed

She's never really been one of my favourite actresses, and I just tend to forget about her a lot of the time! It's sad, I know...she was so lovely.

I suppose the reason I'm not fond of her is because I've not seen that many of her films - and I've never seen the Donna Reed show! I want to get around to watching it one day, but for now, I have other things I'd rather watch!

I do, however, think Donna is an absolute darling, and that's why I gave her this spot as the Star of the Day. I know a lot of people love her, and I would like to watch more of her films, so hopefully one day I'll get around to it!

(do you not think her eyes look so beautiful in this photo!?)